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Ethical Sourcing


As a leading distributor of renewable products in the UK, Go Geothermal is committed to ensuring that our sourcing practices align with the highest ethical standards. Our policy is designed to promote sustainability, social responsibility, and environmental stewardship throughout our supply chain. This document outlines the principles and standards that guide our sourcing decisions. 



  • Sustainability 
  • Prioritise sourcing products that are renewable, recyclable, and have minimal environmental impact. 
  • Engage with suppliers who demonstrate a commitment to sustainable practices and continuous improvement in their environmental performance. 


Human Rights and Labour Standards 

  • Ensure all suppliers comply with the International Labour Organization (ILO) standards. 
  • Prohibit the use of child labour, forced labour, and any form of exploitation. 
  • Promote fair wages, safe working conditions, and respect for workers’ rights. 


Environmental Responsibility  

  • Source products from suppliers that implement effective environmental management systems. 
  • Encourage the use of materials and processes that reduce carbon footprint and promote energy efficiency. 
  • Support initiatives aimed at reducing waste and promoting the circular economy. 


Fair Trade Practices 

  • Foster transparent and fair-trading relationships with all suppliers. 
  • Ensure timely and fair payment practices. 
  • Encourage long-term partnerships based on mutual trust and respect. 


Legal Compliance 

  • Adhere to all relevant UK and international laws and regulations regarding ethical sourcing. 
  • Require suppliers to comply with applicable legal and regulatory requirements in their operations. 


Standards and Practices 

  • Supplier Assessment and Selection 
  • Conduct thorough due diligence on potential suppliers to ensure alignment with our ethical standards. 
  • Use a comprehensive assessment framework that evaluates suppliers’ environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance. 
  • Prefer suppliers who have third-party certifications related to sustainability and ethical practices (e.g., Fair Trade, FSC, ISO 14001). 


Ongoing Monitoring and Improvement 

  • Regularly audit suppliers to ensure continuous compliance with our ethical sourcing policy. 
  • Provide support and guidance to suppliers to help them improve their ESG performance. 
  • Establish corrective action plans for suppliers who fail to meet our standards, with clear timelines for improvement. 


Stakeholder Engagement 

  • Engage with stakeholders, including customers, employees, suppliers, and communities, to promote and support ethical sourcing. 
  • Encourage feedback and open communication to address concerns and identify areas for improvement. 


Transparency and Reporting 

  • Maintain transparency in our sourcing practices and regularly report on our progress towards ethical sourcing goals. 
  • Disclose key performance indicators (KPIs) related to sustainability, human rights, and fair trade in our annual sustainability report. 


Training and Education 

  • Provide training and resources to employees and suppliers on ethical sourcing and sustainability best practices. 
  • Foster a culture of awareness and responsibility within our organisation and supply chain. 



Go Geothermal is dedicated to upholding the highest ethical standards in our sourcing practices. By adhering to this policy, we aim to contribute positively to society, protect the environment, and ensure the well-being of all individuals involved in our supply chain. We believe that ethical sourcing is not just a responsibility but a core component of our commitment to sustainable and responsible business practices.