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Marketing Apprenticeship

Abbie McMorris joined Go Geothermal in April 2024 on a Multi-Channel Marketing Apprenticeship.

This is the first apprenticeship of its kind we have offered, reflecting the growth of the company and in particular the expansion of the sales and marketing function, of which she is a part of.

This entails everything from the more traditional marketing mix, such as events and printed material, through to the newer forms which include social media, web and email marketing.

Abbie spent two years working for a children’s role play centre, latterly focusing on digital marketing, so whilst the subject matter has changed (it’s now heat pumps rather than toys!), the actual tactics used have not, which means she has been able to hit the ground running.

At the same time, and with the biggest exhibition (The Installer Show) of Go Geothermal’s year having taken place recently, she has also been learning as she goes in relation to one of the more traditional areas of marketing.

“It’s been a great start to my Apprenticeship, and I already have had loads to do, which is great,” says Abbie.

“One minute I may be creating engaging email posts and the next I am preparing a brief for new merchant boards which showcase our products.”

As well as getting hands-on experience during her Apprenticeship, Abbie is also undertaking theory-based learning with a local training provider, all of which is done online.

This means at the end of her Apprenticeship, she should be well-placed to progress her career further.

“I am excited about where this is going to take me and I am just focused on learning and contributing as much as I can,” says Abbie.

Outside of work, Abbie enjoys dancing, playing golf, music, reading and spending time with her family.